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Installing Wallpaper in Florence: the Guide to Not Making a Mistake


posa carta da parati a Firenze con gli esperti Biemme Restauri

Wallpaper is increasingly being used inside urban apartments, country houses and historic residences, as it gives a truly unique charm to the walls.

Not everyone knows the techniques and characteristics of this very special type of product, and bad information can often lead to a wrong choice.

We at Biemme Restauri deal with all aspects of building restauration and are experts in wallpaper installation in Florence and throughout Tuscany. In this article, we will look at different aspects of wallpaper, from how to install it to the cost of the different types currently on the market.


How is wallpaper installed

Wallpaper installation is the application on the walls of the paper that is done following precise rules with four basic steps. Let’s see them in detail.


The first step in the installation of wallpaper lies in the removal of the old wall covering. This process is done either by using a peeling product or by simply sanding off the old paint so that the glue can adhere well.


The second step to be performed concerns the preparation for the application, mainly identifiable in the mixing of the different glues. At this point it is important to draw reference marks on the wall. It is advisable to mark the width of the sheet on the wall, using a tape measure, starting from the top edge. Having taken the measurements, it is essential to check that the rolls of paper are all from the same batch.

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Wallpaper Sheets

As a third essential step, you need to place the sheets, a condition that is only possible with a perfectly vertical wall. To obtain a good result, it is advisable to cover with glue the entire area affected by the tracing of the sheeting, to which a small surplus should be added in width.

At this point, it’s time to take the sheeting and lay it on the edge of the wall, trying to leave a surplus of at least 5 centimeters at the top.

Before pressing down on the wallpaper, check that the sheet is straight for the height it will cover, using the lines drawn earlier as a reference point.

In case you do not have a perfectly vertical (or plumb) wall and you are using a 53-centimeter sheet, it is advisable to draw the first reference at a distance of about 50 centimetres from the corner.

For sheeting with a width of 106 centimetres, it is advisable to place the first reference at 100 centimetres. Using a wire lead can help determine the best tracing. At this point, that is, after laying the first sheet, adhesion is important. For best results, it is best to start from the centre toward the end using a stiff plastic trowel.

Once you’ve reached the floor, it is important to cut the excess flush with the baseboard and at the corner of the wall. At this point, you can move on to the second sheet and use a dampened sponge to allow a perfect joint.

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An essential step is cutting the corners. When reaching the corners, it is advisable to leave at least 5 centimetres to allow perfect adhesion between the overlapping sheets.

When wallpaper is to be laid on the outer corner, it is recommended to overlap the corners, that is, to lay the next sheet over the previous one, usually with an overlap of about 5 centimetres.

Slightly more complex cut is the horizontal cut; the paper does not have very good adhesion on horizontal surfaces. To ensure a quality result, it is very important to start from the top and push with the plastic trowel to improve the adhesion.

Cutting wallpaper for windows is definitely less complex; you have to fold the paper with your finger and make the cut at an angle until you reach the window.

When laying and cutting wallpaper around electrical outlets, it is advisable to mark the outline of the outlet with a finger and cut off the excess with a box cutter. This should be done without switch and socket plates attached to the wall.

After about two days, if the wallpaper is partially exposed to the sun, air bubbles may appear, although they usually disappear on their own. To remove those that don’t disappear naturally, it is advisable to use a pin and inject glue by employing a syringe.

Who installs the wallpaper?

Although the operation of wallpaper laying is increasingly carried out by private individuals. However, in order for quality results to be achieved, it is advisable to rely on specialized companies.

These specialized companies have professionals trained in the installation of different types of wallpaper. The work is not limited to a single wall, but to larger-scale applications with greater difficulties.

At Biemme Restauri in Florence, we specialize in the installation of wallpaper, as well as in careful and precise all-around building restoration, guaranteeing the highest quality in terms of techniques and materials.

What should the wall look like for wallpapering?

One of the most common doubts in the installation of wallpaper concerns the wall to which it will be applied. The surface of a wall, to comply with all the basic requirements, must be smooth.

In case there are holes or imperfections, it would be advisable to fill the holes and cracks with specific products.

Another condition to take into consideration is the porousness of the wall. A surface that is too porous has the ability to absorb moisture from the glue, inducing a bad glueing phase. Professionals apply a thin layer of primer to allow the glue to adhere in the perfect way.

The problem of installing wallpaper on surfaces painted with acrylic paint often arises. There is actually no need to remove this paint. If the paint is in good condition, wallpaper can be installed on walls with acrylic paint.

In the walls of the house were made of gypsum board, then it is essential to use a suitable primer to minimize the porousness of the surface, as well as potential damage to the wall in case of frequent changes in temperature. It is recommended to use: putty, trowel, tapestry glue, primer and abrasive.

How long does wallpaper take to dry?

When using a professional to apply wallpaper, one should not only consider the actual installation time but also the drying time. Although each type of wallpaper needs different drying times and methods, it is possible to identify an average time frame.

In an ideal condition, that is, when the wall is completely dry and the materials used are of good quality, one can estimate a drying time around 24 hours after the last sheet is applied. The drying time can be extended to 48 hours, but it depends greatly on the products used.

For perfect drying to be achieved in just 24 hours, it is important that the reference room has a temperature between 15-30°C.

At a lower temperature, the drying time will be extended, while at a higher temperature adhesion problems may occur, such as the sheet coming off the wall.

Cost of installing wallpaper

Determining the cost of wallpaper installation is not easy; the final value depends on so many variables.

Let's look at the three main ones:

Type of wallpaper

On the market you can buy wallpaper made of fabric, fibre, nonwoven fabric and many other materials, significantly affecting the overall cost.


The larger the size of the rolls of wallpaper, the more you can save on the processing of the installation. Not only the size, usually 53 or 106 centimetres but also the number of rolls will save on the overall labour cost.


Not all professionals charge the same rates; in many cases, the cost charged is equated with the difficulty of the work to be done. On average, however, the cost of laying wallpaper is 5 euros per square meter for the TNT type of wallpaper or 10 euros per square meter for the vinyl type.

To get a clearer idea of the market, let's look at the costs for the most sought-after types: cellulose, TNT, vinyl, and natural fibres.

Cellulose Wallpaper Cost: This type of wallpaper is the cheapest, has a very thin sheet of paper and is in most cases decorated. The decorations are very large repeating photographs.

The cost varies between 2 to 10 euros per square meter.

Cost of Laying Nonwoven Fabric Wallpaper: technically much more advanced than cellulose wallpaper, the nonwoven fabric type also greatly increases the overall cost per square meter.

To carry out an installation of this wallpaper, costs range from 4 to 25 euros per square meter, using large images.

Cost of Laying Vinyl Wallpaper: those with humid environments can also use vinyl paper, still ensuring competitive prices. Vinyl paper is ideal for reproducing geometric patterns rather than images.

The cost for installation varies between 5 to 20 euros per square meter.

Cost of Laying Natural Fiber Wallpaper: This top-quality paper offers excellent aesthetics for modern, refined homes. A room with this wallpaper also increases its economic value.

The cost varies between 10 to 100 euros per square meter.

Laying wallpaper in Florence

Using a company that specializes in the installation of wallpaper allows you to eliminate many problems that arise after trying to install wallpaper yourself. With expertise, you can greatly improve the value of your home without having to periodically invest in maintenance work.

We at Biemme Restauri are a specialized construction company with a long history in wallpaper installation in Florence, and we can say that the benefits of using a specialized company are many.


A company that specializes in wallpaper installation allows you to take advantage of their unparalleled experience. The practicality and the many installations over the years will not only speed up the installation time but also mitigate unforeseen issues present on the wall or in the products purchased.


Relying on professionals also allows for accurate schedules and timetables. Being able to schedule your day with the work around the house is never easy. A professional company will be able to guarantee accurate and reliable work and completion times.


As skilled as a private individual may be in installing wallpaper, they are most likely not equipped with the most advanced tools to achieve the best possible results.


The technology used, professionalism and experience consequently also guarantee a better quality of work, an essential condition after making such an investment.


An additional benefit lies in being able to rely on the professionals for assistance, which is an essential feature for small additional interventions in case you want to perform home or office improvement work in the future.


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