The problem of parking is a widespread issue in practically all large Italian cities, particularly in the city center where it is impossible to have enough space for all the inhabitants who want to keep their cars in a garage or otherwise in a private outdoor parking lot.
Even in a city like Florence, the problem is very much felt, between traffic-free zones (ZTL) and increasing population density, finding parking is becoming an increasingly difficult challenge. Let's look at how to be able to build a private parking lot by examining the costs, the bureaucratic process involved, and what the materials are.
What is meant by private parking
Private parking is when you have a safe place where you can leave your car parked without the risk of someone else taking advantage of it.
This is a real luxury especially in large cities that can only be obtained under certain conditions.
First of all, the law stipulates that one can have a reserved parking space under one's house if one is disabled, complete with a badge certifying difficulty in walking.
Another possibility is that in the condominium assembly or the relevant regulations, stipulate that a certain area can be for the exclusive use of only one condominium owner.
​How to make a parking lot private
Condominium parking regulations are quite clear with constraints that must be respected. The condominium parking lot is a common area and, as a rule, all condominium owners can use it to park their cars but cannot oust other owners.
This means that the assembly does not have the power to confer exclusive use of a parking space to one of the condominium owners alone because regulations to that effect provide that it is not possible to take away a common asset from the use of the entire condominium.
In short, to make it possible for a parking space to become private, it must be decided by the assembly, however, unanimously.
Another option is that in which a condominium parking lot can become private by usucaption if a particular condominium owner succeeds in taking exclusive possession of a parking area for at least 20 years. Far more difficult is to be able to obtain private parking on public land even though it is directly in front of the front door of one's home.
How to make parking spaces in appurtenant areas
It may happen that you have the opportunity to be able to make a parking space on a private uncovered area.
Contrary to what you might think (I am the owner and I can do what I want), to do this you need to submit documentation to obtain the relevant authorization.
In fact, this kind of operation should be understood for all intents and purposes as a modification from the cadastral and urban planning point of view of the area and potentially a means to be able to create an income (one could think of offering the created parking space for rent).
In order to submit the request to the technical office of the territorially competent municipality, it is necessary to indicate what type of parking space that is going to be created: private appurtenant parking (Law number 122 of 1989 Tognoli), private on undeveloped areas or on an already built-up area.
Among other things, for private parking in areas already built or yet to be built, it is necessary to make a further differentiation by indicating whether the parking is underground, partially underground, flush on the surface with coverage or without coverage. It might appear as a matter of little interest but in fact there are important considerations to be made because in the case of parking on unbuilt area then it is necessary to apply for and obtain a permit to build.
On the other hand, for parking lots in an already built-up area that are underground or flush on the surface and covered, it is necessary to obtain the alternative Scia or one can proceed with the construction under permit. For the case of uncovered level parking lots, an ordinary Scia is sufficient.
The work to be carried out to realize a parking lot
The construction of a parking lot requires the intervention of a construction company with proven experience in the field that is able to carry it out optimally regardless of whether it is underground or appurtenant parking spaces of various kinds.
In fact, it is essential for the company to have state-of-the-art means and equipment because machine paving is necessary.
Paving machines ensure efficiency and the ability to have a suitable bottom for car parking.
They are products intended to last a long time and, above all, do not require maintenance work. In addition, curl, plaster, and grout work are also essential to make the box clean and protected from possible moisture infiltration.
Earthwork and ground leveling may also prove indispensable. Another material that can be used to pave a private outdoor parking lot is outdoor terracotta flooring, particularly driveway outdoor terracotta.
​Creating a parking space in the garden
It is not uncommon, especially in areas where there is some greenery, to find oneself with a detached house or condominium that has a beautiful and large garden but no parking space.
Despite the love of greenery there are practical and even economic issues such as the availability of a parking space that need to be resolved.
One option in this regard is to take advantage of the garden to create a parking space that can be covered, perhaps with a shed, or uncovered. Making the carport in the garden is undoubtedly the most viable route.
Different materials can be used to make the carport namely wood, metals of various kinds and more.
Additionally, the carport could have a dual role because on the one hand it protects the car from rain and on the other hand, with the installation of a photovoltaic system, one could obtain clean electricity that could be used to cut down the consumption on the bill.
A viable alternative is a carport: there is weather protection for the car and the driver especially when loading and unloading the trunk, but it is not nearly impossible to place a photovoltaic panel on top.
A carport with a plexiglass roof is a very light, easy-to-clean, and maintenance-free structure but it must be well secured to the asphalt and the house otherwise there is a risk that strong gusts of wind could shift it or worse yet topple it over and damage it.
In the case of a detached house, one could also think of a prefabricated box available in many materials that at that point would also be useful for storing other items.
In all cases, it is definitely a good choice to pave the access to the area through, for example, a stone pavement.
Costs and regulations of the parking space in the garden
The construction of a parking space in the property garden also requires the management of a bureaucratic process to obtain certain permits and authorizations.
However, it is necessary to differentiate the issue because the construction of a carport open on three sides requires only the Scia or Building Permit depending on what is decided by the territorially competent municipal regulation.
The advice is to contact the technical department to find out what has been decided in this regard.
The use of the canopy, which in technical jargon is called a cantilever roof, simplifies the matter.
In particular, since it is an intervention that does not increase the volume could require only the Cila but it is an issue that may differ on the national territory depending on the municipality so it is better to ask for clarification from the technical office. For the box or prefab house option you can proceed without permits unless different decisions are made in the municipal regulations.
he costs are very different because they start from the carport that requires an investment of 300-400 euros per parking space and the work on at the canopy whose expenses are around 2,500 euros per space (much also depends on the material chosen).
The prefab house deserves a separate case because there are so many variables to take into account that make the cost range from 2,000 euros up to 6,000 euros.
Incidentally, it should be pointed out that case law regarding the possibility of transforming a condominium garden into a parking space is favorable to this eventuality provided that the change of use is decided by the condominium assembly by a majority of those present representing at least 2/3 of the thousandths of the building. In addition, the change must affect only a minimal part of the common area.
Parking dimensions, charges and building title
Because of the many parking problems in the city center and the congestion caused by traffic, the government in the late 1980s went to revise the terms of the obligation to build appurtenant parking spaces for new construction.
Law number 122 of 1989 stipulated that for every 10 cubic meters of construction, 1 square meter of parking had to be compulsorily built.
The same law in fact equated the construction of appurtenant parking spaces with urbanization works, also in terms of the fact that the building permit is free of charge.
However, it is necessary to differentiate between the two because parking spaces built within the minimum limits set by the law are exempt from paying the construction fee.
While if it is exceeded, the municipal administration is entitled to demand the contribution in the form of urbanization charges, however, only for the excess part.
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